- Advantages of Romanian citizenship
- The main ways of obtaining a Romanian passport
- Requirements and procedure for obtaining a Romanian passport
- How much time and money it takes to obtain a Romanian passport
- What doesn't work: how you can't get a Romanian passport
- Dual citizenship in Romania
- Refusal to grant a Romanian passport: main reasons and solutions
- How to obtain a Romanian passport quickly and without mistakes
Romanian citizenship allows residents of non-EU countries to live and work in the European Union with the full range of rights of citizens of the association. This jurisdiction is also popular among immigrants because the cost of living and real estate in it is lower than in other EU countries. Romanian citizenship can be obtained in several ways, namely by birthright, by adoption and by request.
The standard option for obtaining a passport in Romania is naturalization, but it requires residence in the country for at least eight years. To become a Romanian citizen, you will need to learn the national language, integrate into society, learn the basics of the constitution, culture and traditions. There is also a repatriation program, under which you can request the registration or restoration of Romanian citizenship in the period from 6 months.
Advantages of Romanian citizenship
Romanian citizenship will open up many prospects for you, including the right to social security and more freedom to travel. Having a Romanian passport, you become an EU citizen, which gives you the following privileges:
- the ability to travel to Schengen states and visa-free countries - that is more than 160 jurisdictions around the world;
- the right to retain your original citizenship (unless prohibited by the laws of your country);
- the possibility to buy real estate in the EU without permits;
- access to education in Romanian and European universities (at reduced cost or free of charge);
- entry to the territory of the USA and Canada under a simplified procedure;
- the possibility of residence and employment throughout the territory of the European Union without the need for authorization;
- access to banking services of European financial institutions, mortgage and consumer lending on more favorable terms compared to non-residents of the EU;
- conducting business in the Republic and in the territory of the European Union without additional restrictions;
- possibility to receive social and pension payments in accordance with the legislation;
- access to medical care and insurance at the European level.
The Romanian passport looks like an ID-card, the foreign passport is issued in a book format. It is possible to obtain all the benefits of Romanian citizenship within 6 to 14 months with the support of migration lawyers. You can learn more about the accelerated migration program at a free consultation.
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The main ways of obtaining a Romanian passport
The law “On Citizenship” of Romania provides several ways to become a holder of a passport of the country - they differ among themselves by the procedure of registration and requirements for residence in the state. Further in the article we will examine in detail all the current immigration programs.
Naturalization is a procedure that allows you to obtain a Romanian passport if you have been legally residing in Romania for eight years or more, have a stable income and successfully integrated into society. You can only stay in the country long-term with a residence permit granted on the basis of, for example, employment, family reunification, education. Naturalization is the longest and most complicated way of acquiring citizenship, in addition, you need to know the basics of the Romanian Constitution and have no criminal record to be successful.
Those who are married to a citizen of the Republic can also apply for a Romanian passport by naturalization. For this purpose, it is necessary to comply with the requirement of cohabitation for 5 years or more before applying for citizenship.
Birth or adoption
Minors receive citizenship by birth, regardless of where they were born, if one or two parents hold a Romanian passport. Adopted children of Romanian citizens receive the same status - consent is required from a child over the age of 14.
Investment is a way to obtain Romanian citizenship twice as fast as in case of naturalization for an investment of 1 000 000 EUR or more in the state. This possibility is mentioned in the Law on Citizenship, but in practice it is rarely used.
Repatriation is the acquisition of Romanian citizenship according to Article 11 of the Law on Citizenship if you have territorial affiliation to the country, i.e., not by roots. In other words, it is necessary to have proof that your relatives up to and including the third degree lived or were born on the territory of Romania before 1940. This option allows you to become a full citizen by repatriation in the shortest possible time.
The advantages of obtaining citizenship in this way are also the possibility to keep the passport of the country of origin and the absence of the need to reside on the territory of Romania. Thanks to the simplified program, you can become a Romanian passport holder in up to 14 months, and with the help of migration lawyers, the process will be quick and easy.
Requirements and procedure for obtaining a Romanian passport
Obtaining Romanian citizenship by naturalization implies the submission of a certain list of documents and your compliance with the basic requirements of the legislation, namely:
- residence on the territory of Romania for a period of 8 years on a residence permit or 5 years from the date of registration of marriage with a citizen of the country;
- reaching the age of 18 years;
- no criminal record and no problems with the law;
- knowledge of the Romanian constitution and anthem;
- loyalty to Romania and no danger to public and state order on your part;
- knowledge of the state language and basic knowledge of the culture and traditions of the country;
- availability of financial means for self-sufficiency.
Before applying for citizenship and subsequently for a passport, it is important to collect the full package of required documents. Depending on the method of registration of status, your dossier may be supplemented, but the basic list looks as follows:
- receipt of payment for the production of the citizenship card;
- two current photographs of the candidate in the format of 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
- application for citizenship;
- a statement of consent to the processing of personal data;
- original and copies of the passport (it may be necessary to translate them into Romanian);
- the certificate of the General Inspectorate for Immigration on legal stay on the territory of Romania for the minimum required period of time;
- a notarized statement of personal responsibility stating that you have not taken and will not take any action aimed at disturbing the public and state order in the country;
- copies and originals of birth, marriage/divorce, name change, birth certificates of minor children, translated into Romanian and apostilled;
- certificate of absence of criminal record in the country of residence (translated and apostilled);
- proof of residence (contract of sale/rent of housing)
- proof of money means for self-sufficiency, indicating the income in Romania for the last three years (from commercial activity, transfer for use of goods or labor contract).
Obtaining Romanian citizenship through the standard procedure is a rather complicated and lengthy process, but for repatriates it is as simplified as possible. The grounds for naturalization are employment, family reunification, education and business, so let us consider each of the ways below.
Family reunification
It is possible to apply for citizenship based on family ties in Romania if there are close relatives with permanent residence or a passport of the country. A citizen or holder of a residence permit card has the right to request reunification with husband/wife, parents (his/her own and husband/wife's), minor and adult (if they have health problems and cannot support themselves) children. The immigration process is as follows:
- Applying to the General Inspectorate for Migration (IGI) for authorization. A package of documents must be submitted, the consideration takes up to 3 months.
- Obtaining a long-term visa for a relative abroad at the Romanian Consulate.
The dossier of an applicant for citizenship on the basis of family reunification shall include, in addition to the basic set, such documents as:
- petition for family reunification;
- a copy of the travel document;
- certificate of marital status with translation and apostille;
- health insurance policy;
- a free-form personal statement, where the candidate informs about his/her intention to reside in the country with a citizen or holder of a residence permit card;
- a copy of the authorization to stay in Romania;
- a statement of the invitee about the shared custody of children in case of moving with children under 18 years of age.
Obtaining higher education is the basis for long-term residence in Romania, and also allows you to subsequently find employment there. The stages of obtaining a passport by this method are as follows:
- Enrollment in a higher education institution.
- Obtaining a visa type D at the consulate.
- Obtaining a residence permit, the validity of which covers the period of study.
- Applying for a residence permit after graduation through employment or opening a business.
- Obtaining a Romanian passport after 8 years of legal residence in the state.
Official employment allows you to obtain a residence permit in Romania, but citizenship can be obtained only after 8 years of stay. The procedure of moving for employment consists of several steps:
- Searching for a suitable vacancy and signing a contract with the employer.
- Receiving an invitation from the company where you will be working.
- Obtaining a work permit (done by the employer).
- Applying for a national visa at the consulate for a period of 3 months and the right to extend it.
- Obtaining a residence permit at the Migration Service upon arrival in Romania with a validity period of one year and the possibility of extension.
- Registration of a residence permit after 5 years of life in Romania.
- Applying for citizenship 3 years after the granting of the residence permit.
In the list of required documents when applying for Romanian citizenship should be attached:
- documents proving your residence in the state for the required period;
- proof of official employment;
- proof of housing;
- permanent residence permit;
- a certificate proving your knowledge of the Romanian language.
Entrepreneurial activity
Doing business in Romania allows you to obtain a long-term visa and then a residence permit, provided that you conduct independent activity or work within an association. The process of obtaining citizenship when starting a business is as follows:
- Passing a check for compliance with the conditions of the law “On the conduct of economic activities by authorized individuals, individual entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs within family associations”.
- Issuance of a long-term visa at the consulate.
- Obtaining a special technical opinion from the Romanian Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade.
- Registration of the commercial enterprise and drafting of the memorandum of association.
- Obtaining a residence permit with the right to extend it for 1 year or 3 years on condition of investment from 500 000 EUR and creation of more than 50 jobs.
- Obtaining a residence permit after 3 years of residence and doing business.
- Applying for citizenship after 5 years from the date of granting the residence permit.
The basic dossier should be supplemented with the following documents:
- proof of compliance of your activity with the legislation and requirements for entrepreneurs on the territory of Romania;
- the memorandum of incorporation of the company in a certified copy;
- the decision of the general annual shareholders' meeting on dividend payment or the minutes of the sole shareholder;
- proof of receipt of the dividends due;
- proof of payment of taxes on dividends;
- balance sheet as of the end of the previous year with registration with the Finance Department;
- a tax certification certificate from the Public Finance Authority on payment of fees and taxes.
In case of successful commercial activity and investment of more than 1,000,000 EUR in the Romanian economy, the minimum period of residence in the country to qualify for citizenship is reduced to 4 years.
The procedure of obtaining citizenship by naturalization consists of several stages (most of them are not required for repatriates):
- Applying for Romanian citizenship
- Checking your application package and receiving the dosar (the number assigned to your case).
- Receiving a decision within a period of up to 6 months.
- Interview at the Citizenship Commission to check your command of the state language and basic knowledge of the country.
- Receipt of the Commission's conclusion on granting citizenship or the applicant's non-compliance with the requirements of the law.
- Issuance by the President of the National Directorate for Citizenship of an order granting Romanian citizenship to the applicant. Appeal against the refusal can be filed with the Administrative and Financial Disputes Division of the Court of Bucharest within 15 days from the date of the decision.
- Swearing the oath within 3 months from the date on which the order granting the status was issued. Minor children shall not take the oath.
- Receipt of the Romanian citizenship certificate. If minor children receive the status together with you, they will be included in your document.
Alternative methods of obtaining a Romanian passport include acquiring citizenship by birth or adoption, as well as by repatriation. Below we will look at these methods in more detail.
The basis for granting citizenship by birth or adoption may be one of the following circumstances, which must be confirmed by documentation:
- birth on the territory of Romania of a child born to parents who hold a Romanian passport (citizenship is granted automatically);
- birth from one or both parents with Romanian citizenship, regardless of the place of birth;
- adoption of a child by Romanian citizens;
- adoption by one of the parents with a Romanian passport (consent of the other parent with citizenship of another country is required).
Repatriation allows you to obtain a Romanian passport in a short time without roots (ethnicity), but you need to document that you are a descendant of Romanian citizens up to the third degree, who have lost their status for reasons beyond their control, and apply for restoration of citizenship, while you may not renounce the passport of a foreign country, as well as keep your place of residence abroad.
Repatriation is one of the simplest citizenship programs, as it takes up to 14 months, and applicants are not subject to a number of requirements that are relevant for other methods of legalization, such as naturalization. At the same time, you can avoid a significant amount of the expenses that are otherwise required for visa, residence permits, accommodation, rent or purchase of housing, as well as the associated costs.
In order to obtain Romanian citizenship, having successfully passed all the stages of the procedure, you should prepare thoroughly. Migration lawyers will help you to choose the most optimal way of legalization in Romania by analyzing the available programs and will provide qualified support throughout the process up to the moment of obtaining a Romanian passport.
How much time and money it takes to obtain a Romanian passport
Depending on the method of obtaining citizenship, the time and cost of the procedure may vary. The main difference is the minimum required period of residence in Romania, which remains essential for naturalization. When citizenship is restored, residence in the country is not mandatory, but the process can take up to 14 months, as it is necessary to collect an extensive dossier on your Romanian origin.
The general timeline and cost of the citizenship procedure are as follows:
- Application for citizenship. The timeline is determined individually, and the cost is 18 EUR.
- Translation of the document (per page). The cost starts from 4.40 EUR, with the timeline determined individually.
- Legalization of the document by a notary (per document). The cost is 12 EUR, and the timeline is determined individually.
- Consideration of the application. Processing takes up to 6 months and is free of charge.
- Simple electronic passport. Processing time is up to 15 days. The cost is 52 EUR for adults and 47 EUR for children under 12 years old.
- Simple temporary passport. Processing time is up to 15 days, and the cost is 19.30 EUR.
Feedback from immigrants who have already obtained a Romanian passport suggests that it is important to consider the costs of living in the country, including the cost of renting accommodation and groceries. The level of average salary in Romania is about 860 EUR, while the spending of one person per month is about 590 EUR. The average monthly rates for renting accommodation range from 306-690 EUR.
To learn about the possibility to obtain Romanian citizenship under the simplified program, as well as to receive an individual immigration plan and professional support at each stage of its implementation, contact lawyers of international law. Qualified assistance of experienced specialists will give you the opportunity to become a Romanian citizen in a short period of time with a minimum of financial expenses.
What doesn't work: how you can't get a Romanian passport
There are quite a number of myths related to the different ways of legalization in the state. Among the most popular misconceptions and myths according to which it is possible to obtain a passport of a Romanian citizen are the following:
- childbirth - Romania does not provide for children born on the territory of the state to parents with a passport of another country or stateless persons to obtain the status;
- sham marriage - a fairly common practice in most countries, which in any case is illegal, with the minimum period of sedentary still being 5 years of cohabitation;
- passport purchase - an inadmissible method of immigration, which may entail not only deportation, but also criminal penalties;
- purchase of housing - the law “On Citizenship” does not provide for the possibility of granting a passport or residence permit for the purchase of real estate in the country;
- military service - in Romania it is impossible to obtain citizenship for military service, and foreign citizens, as a rule, join the armed forces under contract, not conscription.
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Dual citizenship in Romania
Dual citizenship is possible only if the state has relevant international agreements with other countries - Romania has no such agreements. Having obtained a Romanian passport, you can retain your primary status, but the Republic will consider you exclusively as its citizen with all the rights and obligations.
Refusal to grant a Romanian passport: main reasons and solutions
The Commission can refuse to grant Romanian citizenship for several reasons, mainly related to non-compliance with the procedure and non-compliance with legal requirements. The law “On Citizenship” regulates the following reasons for a negative decision by the authorized bodies:
- the package of documents is not complete and has not been supplemented within 6 months from the date of the Commission's request;
- the oath is not taken within the established time limit, which automatically leads to the revocation of the order on granting citizenship;
- the submitted documents are forged;
- the applicant serves in the armed forces of another state with which Romania has broken diplomatic relations or is in a state of conflict;
- there are objective reasons to believe that the applicant poses a danger to public and state security;
- the applicant has committed particularly serious crimes abroad that have harmed Romania's interests.
Re-application for Romanian citizenship is allowed 6 months after the rejection of the previous application. Also, the rejection can be appealed twice - first to the Administrative Disputes Section of the Bucharest Court of Appeal and, in case of repeated rejection, to the Administrative Disputes Division of the Superior Court of Cassation and Justice. You can file a request for appeal within 15 days of receiving the rejection from the Commission.
How to obtain a Romanian passport quickly and without mistakes
Those who are attracted by the advantages of a Romanian passport should take care not to make mistakes when applying for citizenship - for this purpose it is worth contacting international law lawyers. Using their extensive experience and thorough knowledge of all the nuances of the legislation, specialists will help you choose the best immigration option and can quickly find out whether you are eligible to acquire the status in a short period of time under a simplified program.
Cooperation with migration specialists of the company will give you the opportunity to obtain Romanian citizenship in up to 14 months, while you will save your efforts and financial resources. With the support of the company's lawyers, you can obtain a Romanian passport with minimal involvement in the process.

Mark Gartman
Migration lawyer
The lawyer of Futurepassports company, which specializes in international law. Advises on immigration issues and helps you find the best options to quickly obtain citizenship in EU countries.
“Immigration is not just a journey from one place to another, it is a journey from who you were to who you can become.”